Que tal amigos bendiciones me llego este equipo que tenia contraseña de privacidad que por defecto es 0000 pero se la habian cambiado este modelo es spectrum y sale con nck modulo spectrum aqui mi log.
ACTION: Read Password
EXE: NckBox Spreadtrum Module 0.5
Start Detect phone.
Remove the battery and connect handset to PC via USB cable.
After long press boot key while inserting the battery.
Keep key untill boot complete.
Detected: SPRD U2S Diag (COM56)
Sending loader, keep boot key untill loader start.
Loader OK: nckTeam(2016) Beta 0.3
CPU: 6531
FlashId: WINBOND: [0x400000]W25Q32FV
Reading Flash Info, wait...
Flash Size: $400000 Sector Size: $8000
IMEI 1: 357791072932489
IMEI 2: 352751019523267
[2AA]Password: 1234
[2AA]Password: 1234
ACTION: Read Password
EXE: NckBox Spreadtrum Module 0.5
Start Detect phone.
Remove the battery and connect handset to PC via USB cable.
After long press boot key while inserting the battery.
Keep key untill boot complete.
Detected: SPRD U2S Diag (COM56)
Sending loader, keep boot key untill loader start.
Loader OK: nckTeam(2016) Beta 0.3
CPU: 6531
FlashId: WINBOND: [0x400000]W25Q32FV
Reading Flash Info, wait...
Flash Size: $400000 Sector Size: $8000
IMEI 1: 357791072932489
IMEI 2: 352751019523267
[2AA]Password: 1234
[2AA]Password: 1234
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