frp Redmi Note 11 NFC (spesn) cuenta google con nck
Exe Version: Nck Qualcomm Online Module 0.2
Brand: Xiaomi
Model: Redmi Note 11 NFC (spesn)
Operation: Reset FRP
How to connect phone:
1. With phone off enter edl mode keep pressing vol+ and vol- buttons and insert usb cable
2. If this metod not work, use edl cable to force emergenty download mode.
3. If this metod not work, use testpoint to force emergenty download mode.
Searching for phone.....
Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 (COM25) detected.
Firehose protocol: 2
HW ID: 00007200E1801B00
PK HASH: 1BEBE3863A6781DB4B01086063007334DE9E5CA14971C7C4F4 358EC9D79CDA46
using arhive: firehose_data.bin
using loader: prog_firehose_ddr_Note_11_NFC_Spesn.elf
Arhitecture:64 bits
[64]Sending loader, please wait..
Waiting for loader...
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