frp Tablet Onn 100044018g cuenta google con nck
Debes estar registrado para ver el elemento.
Posteriormente en pestaña FRP dar en reset FrpDebes estar registrado para ver el elemento.
Conectar apagada presionando Vol-
Exe version: NCKBox AndroidMTK 3.0.3
Selected model: 0-By CPU MT8167
[auto]Action: Reset FRP
Keep "VOL-" button untill inserting USB cable.
For some phones need to keep "VOL+ and VOL-" button untill inserting USB cable.
For some phones need to keep "VOL+" button untill inserting USB cable.
Detected(12) : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM_V1632 (Android) (COM12)
[12] \\?\usb#vid_0e8d&pid_2000#5&1272f2af&0&3#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed}
Boot mode: Preloader
Phone detected...Please wait
BBCHIP: 8168 100 cb01
Using Algo 1.
Helio MT8168 phone detected, swithing to helio api
Helio enabled DRAM in...
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