FRP Xiaomi Redmi Note 12 Pro cuenta google Unlocktool
modelo 22101316G ruby
Pestaña MTK
Demora un poco en la parte de bypass authentication pero funciona
ERASE FRP Initializing usb... OK
Waiting for device... COM4 [BOOTROM:0E8D:0003]
Bypassing authentication... OK
Analyzing... preloader_ruby.bin [MT6877:9:868] [Internal]
Reading hardware info... OK
Hardware : MT6877 [Dimensity 900|920] 0959 8A00 CA00 0000
Security Config : SCB SLA DAA
MEID : 37204A4E2C1113A654D7F1033DA3270C
Sending Download-Agent... OK
Syncing with target... OK
Booting device... OK
Syncing with DA... OK
Storage : UFS - FWVer : 0700 - CID : KM8F9001JM-B813
Vendor ID : Samsung [0x1CE]
UFS: LU0 Size : 4 MiB - LU1 Size : 4 MiB - LU2 Size : 238.34 GiB
Reading partition info... OK [77]...
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