Download MTK META Utility V105
MTK META Utility V105 is a tool designed to bypass MTK AUTH. It has been developed by the team of developers from MTK and comes with a lot of features. By using this tool, users can easily bypass any MTK Auth process without having to go through tedious procedures. This tool also helps in unlocking bootloaders.Debes estar registrado para ver el elemento.
Android Utility Tool V105:10.05.2023:
Changelog :
[UWSL]• Added Xiaomi (.tgz/.gz) directly firmware updates via the Facebook Mode (QCOM/MTK) [BL unlock required (to help save both space and time).[/UWSL]
[UWSL]fixed Xiaomi (.bat) firmware flashing via Fatsboot mode for newer devices.[/UWSL]
[UWSL]Added Xiaomi Force flash for the...
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