cuenta google Alcatel 5002H frp Furious Gold Box/dongle
Connect the phone powered off with both volume down and up pressed or connect the phone powered off and leave it connected to the usb till it shows the battery/charging screen ;
Phone detected (@oem104.inf,%qcomdevice90080%;Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008)
Preparing to start flash mode;
Preparing to open COM11
Port opened;
Hello Received;
MSM_ID: 0x001060E1
OEM_ID: 0x0042
MODEL_ID: 0x0051
PK_HASH: 5F9C14F9A6E480E903466336100DB7AE8EA358263F0D14CEDF 468ED43FF9AFAD5F9C14F9A6E480E903466336100DB7AE8EA3 58263F0D14CEDF468ED43FF9AFAD5F9C14F9A6E480E9034663 36100DB7AE8EA358263F0D14CEDF468ED43FF9AFAD
BOOT Loaded;
Getting config;
Getting mem info;
Found an eMMC memory size 29.1 GB, target id 8917...
Por favor inicie sesión para ver el contenido completo. Conéctate o regístrate ahora.