esta en ingles pero es entendible
1. Flash COMBINATION_FAC_FA80_J600FNXU3ARH5 and enable OEM UNLOCK, hard reset.
Debes estar registrado para ver el elemento.
2. Flash J600FNXXU3BSD2_OXM3BSD2. Now phone will bootloop.
Debes estar registrado para ver el elemento.
3. In z3x select pit J6LTE_CIS_SER.pit, check repartition and FLASH (do not select any FLASH file). Now phone will go in crazy bootloop mode. Will go only recovery mode.
4. In z3x select J600FNXXU3BSD2_OXM3BSD2 flash file, check repartition (do not select any pit file) and press FLASH.
5. Now phone will boot normally in Android 9.0. If you have reset with sim card then hard reset again.
1. Flash COMBINATION_FAC_FA80_J600FNXU3ARH5 and enable OEM UNLOCK, hard reset.
Debes estar registrado para ver el elemento.
2. Flash J600FNXXU3BSD2_OXM3BSD2. Now phone will bootloop.
Debes estar registrado para ver el elemento.
3. In z3x select pit J6LTE_CIS_SER.pit, check repartition and FLASH (do not select any FLASH file). Now phone will go in crazy bootloop mode. Will go only recovery mode.
4. In z3x select J600FNXXU3BSD2_OXM3BSD2 flash file, check repartition (do not select any pit file) and press FLASH.
5. Now phone will boot normally in Android 9.0. If you have reset with sim card then hard reset again.
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