SM-A525F FRP lock is successfully reseted!
Work ID: 0000000001F13EB3
Platform: SAMSUNG
Selected model: SM-A525F
Please, power phone OFF put the phone in EDL mode and connect USB cable.
Searching for a phone. Please wait...
Reading info...
Searching loader...
Loader working on device's with Bit Security not higher than 8!
Sending loaders...
Loader send successfuly.
Chip SN: 2470559856
Checking request..
Reading partition...
Reading SUPER partition...
Reading info...
Brand: samsung
Manufacturer: samsung
Model: SM-A525F
Device: a52q
Code name: a52qnsxx
Platform: atoll
Android version: 11
Phone firmware version: A525FXXS7FXE2
Display ID: UP1A.231005.007
Resetting FRP lock..
Searching for signatures...
Rebooting phone
Backup saved as...
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