eliminar cuenta frp Sky Elite A63max cuenta google con pandora box z3x
elegimos mediatek y le damos a format frp y limpiar en la pestaña Format, luego con telefono apagado y presionando vol- conectamos
les dejo el log de pandora:
Selected model: Mediatek Mediatek
Operation: Erase FRP And Wipe
Software version: 6.6
Erasing of partitions can damage your device.
Make sure that you have a backup created. Continue? YES
Work ID: 22704137
Connect phone in BROM/PRELOADER Mode
Waiting for device... OK
Driver: [MediaTek Inc.,wdm_usb,MediaTek USB Port,usb2ser.sys,3.0.1504.0]
Device found at COM6 [BROM]
Open port... OK
Send start cmd... OK
Get HW code from device... 0699
Get sec config... OK [00000000]
Get HW & SW version from device... OK
HW VER: CB00, SW VER: 0002, HW SUB...
Por favor inicie sesión para ver el contenido completo. Conéctate o regístrate ahora.