En octopus Frp abrir modulo Xiaomi y seleccionar modelo redmi 10c!
Conectar via Tesp point e iniciar el proceso !
proceso echo en REdmi note 11 , versión HyperOs TGMCIXM
Welcome to Octoplus FRP Tool v.
Card S/N: 20009947E
Work ID: 0000000001905A26
Platform: XIAOMI
Selected model: REDMI 10C
Please, power phone OFF put the phone in EDL mode and connect USB cable.
Found phone on COM11
Mode: Qualcomm 9008
Reading info...
QC HW ID: 001B80E******
QC CPU: Snapdragon 680 4G SM6225
Searching loader...
Sending loaders...
Loader send successfuly.
Chip SN: 359164****
Checking request..
Start Authentication...
Authentication done!
Checking request..
Checking request..
Reading partition...
Reading SUPER partition...
Reading info...
Brand: Redmi...
Conectar via Tesp point e iniciar el proceso !
proceso echo en REdmi note 11 , versión HyperOs TGMCIXM
Welcome to Octoplus FRP Tool v.
Card S/N: 20009947E
Work ID: 0000000001905A26
Platform: XIAOMI
Selected model: REDMI 10C
Please, power phone OFF put the phone in EDL mode and connect USB cable.
Found phone on COM11
Mode: Qualcomm 9008
Reading info...
QC HW ID: 001B80E******
QC CPU: Snapdragon 680 4G SM6225
Searching loader...
Sending loaders...
Loader send successfuly.
Chip SN: 359164****
Checking request..
Start Authentication...
Authentication done!
Checking request..
Checking request..
Reading partition...
Reading SUPER partition...
Reading info...
Brand: Redmi...
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