Unlock Samsung A102U Sprint bit 8 u8 bin8 Binary 8 binario 8 rev8 octoplus samsung
Welcome to Octoplus Samsung Software v.
Work ID: 0000000001AAF0AC
Starting Unlock (Sprint Factory)
Selected model: SM-A102U
Searching ADB devices...
Press "OK" button on the device to allow USB debugging
Reading info...
Detected model: SM-A102U
Fingerprint: samsung/a10esq/a10e:9/PPR1.180610.011/A102USQU8ATJ1:user/release-keys
Firmware compiled date: Fri Oct 9 15:16:41 KST 2020
PDA version: A102USQU8ATJ1
CSC version: A102UOYN8ATJ1
SW version: A102USQU8ATJ1
Build number: QB17069744
Phone SN: RF8MA036ENW
Android version: 9 (PPR1.180610.011)
Sales code: DSH
Country: USA
HW platform: exynos5
HW Chip: exynos7885
HW Modem: REV1.0
Security patch level: 2020-09-01
Warranty Void: 0
Welcome to Octoplus Samsung Software v.
Work ID: 0000000001AAF0AC
Starting Unlock (Sprint Factory)
Selected model: SM-A102U
Searching ADB devices...
Press "OK" button on the device to allow USB debugging
Reading info...
Detected model: SM-A102U
Fingerprint: samsung/a10esq/a10e:9/PPR1.180610.011/A102USQU8ATJ1:user/release-keys
Firmware compiled date: Fri Oct 9 15:16:41 KST 2020
PDA version: A102USQU8ATJ1
CSC version: A102UOYN8ATJ1
SW version: A102USQU8ATJ1
Build number: QB17069744
Phone SN: RF8MA036ENW
Android version: 9 (PPR1.180610.011)
Sales code: DSH
Country: USA
HW platform: exynos5
HW Chip: exynos7885
HW Modem: REV1.0
Security patch level: 2020-09-01
Warranty Void: 0
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