Revvl 6 Pro 5g Unlock Furios gold
con furios gold, telefono apagado y cuando pida conexion lo conectan con los 2 botones de encendido..
aqui mi log..
Using library Brom_DLL_v7.2116.0
Engine version
Searching phone in normal mode;
[connect the phone powered off with volume down and up pressed to the usb cable]
Phone detected (MediaTek USB Port_V1632 (COM9)) (Driver version: 3.0.1504.0)
Preparing to start flash mode;
Preparing to open COM9
Device hw code: 0989
Device hw sub code: 8A00
Device hw version: CA00
Device sw version: 0000
Device secure boot: True
Device serial link authorization: True
Device download agent authorization: True
Disabling watchdog timer;
Sec code uploaded;
Vodka time;
Ready to party;
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