Welcome to Octoplus Samsung Software v.
Work ID: 00000000018E7DAD
Starting Unlock (Sprint Factory)
Selected model: SM-A505U
Turn on USB debugging on the phone.
Connect powered-on phone to PC using USB via ADB.
Searching ADB devices...
Press "OK" button on the device to allow USB debugging
ADB connect fail. Acceso denegado.
Make sure that "USB Debug" option on the device is turned on
Unlock (Sprint Factory) failed
Execution time 0 second(s)
Performed by Software version.
Work ID: 00000000018E7DBA
Starting Unlock (Sprint Factory)
Selected model: SM-A505U
Turn on USB debugging on the phone.
Connect powered-on phone to PC using USB via ADB.
Searching ADB devices...
Press "OK" button on the device to allow USB debugging
ADB connect fail. Acceso denegado.
Make sure that...
Work ID: 00000000018E7DAD
Starting Unlock (Sprint Factory)
Selected model: SM-A505U
Turn on USB debugging on the phone.
Connect powered-on phone to PC using USB via ADB.
Searching ADB devices...
Press "OK" button on the device to allow USB debugging
ADB connect fail. Acceso denegado.
Make sure that "USB Debug" option on the device is turned on
Unlock (Sprint Factory) failed
Execution time 0 second(s)
Performed by Software version.
Work ID: 00000000018E7DBA
Starting Unlock (Sprint Factory)
Selected model: SM-A505U
Turn on USB debugging on the phone.
Connect powered-on phone to PC using USB via ADB.
Searching ADB devices...
Press "OK" button on the device to allow USB debugging
ADB connect fail. Acceso denegado.
Make sure that...
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