Xiaomi BD Auth Flash Tool Download
The latest version of Xiaomi BD Auth Flash Tool V2.0.0.4 is now available for free download. This tool is designed for all MediaTek Mi Account FRP reset with support for EDL mode and FRP reset assistance mode. With features like code support only and server status check, it ensures a smooth flashing process.Debes estar registrado para ver el elemento.
Features Xiaomi BD Auth Flash Tool:
[UWSL]All MediaTek Mi Account FRP Reset[/UWSL]
[UWSL]Code Support Only No Need Flash Developer[/UWSL]
[UWSL]Support EDL Mode[/UWSL]
[UWSL]FRP Reset Assistant Mode (Sideload)[/UWSL]
[UWSL]Search Device Needs to be OFF In-INDO13 digits.[/UWSL]
[UWSL]Ensure Find Device is OFF[/UWSL]
[UWSL]Use a 13-digit Code.[/UWSL]...
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