buen dia es lo q me pasa al intentar flash con dti:
20200115-11:28:19 usb1:Start downloading with VCom!
20200115-11:28:19 usb1:Load DownLoadBoot Version
20200115-11:28:20 usb1:Opening COM17 Success
20200115-11:28:20 usb1:download mode enter:31
20200115-11:28:20 usb1

ownloading xloader begin.
20200115-11:28:20 usb1:Writing xloader...
20200115-11:28:20 usb1:Write delay = 3000 ms.
20200115-11:28:23 usb1

ownload xloader end.
20200115-11:28:23 usb1:download mode enter:0
20200115-11:28:23 usb1

ownloading uce begin.
20200115-11:28:24 usb1:Writing uce...
20200115-11:28:24 usb1:Write delay = 3000 ms.
20200115-11:28:27 usb1

ownload uce end.
20200115-11:28:27 usb1:download mode enter:0
20200115-11:28:27 usb1

ownloading fastboot begin.
20200115-11:28:42 usb1:Writing fastboot...
20200115-11:28:42 usb1:Write delay = 3000 ms.
20200115-11:28:45 usb1

ownload fastboot end.
20200115-11:28:45 usb1:VCom download successfully.
20200115-11:28:52 usb1:Continue downloading with Fastboot!
20200115-11:28:52 usb1:nPosID = 1.
20200115-11:28:52 usb1:Load DownLoadFastBoot Version
20200115-11:28:52 usb1:Loading image files and downloading image...
20200115-11:28:52 usb1:OKAY471859200
20200115-11:28:52 usb1:sending 'huawei_crc_check' (0 KB)
20200115-11:28:52 usb1:OKAY
20200115-11:28:52 usb1:writing 'huawei_crc_check'
20200115-11:28:52 usb1:FAILCommand not allowed
20200115-11:28:52 usb1:sending 'huawei_crc_check' (0 KB)
20200115-11:28:52 usb1:OKAY
20200115-11:28:52 usb1:writing 'huawei_crc_check'
20200115-11:28:52 usb1:FAILCommand not allowed
20200115-11:28:52 usb1:sending 'huawei_crc_check' (0 KB)
20200115-11:28:52 usb1:OKAY
20200115-11:28:52 usb1:writing 'huawei_crc_check'
20200115-11:28:52 usb1:FAILCommand not allowed
20200115-11:28:52 usb1:FAILCommand not allowed
20200115-11:28:52 usb1:Midway download fail, disconnected
20200115-11:28:52 FAIL (32 s). Error (39)
no logro pasarle el software alguen me puede ayudar por favor gracias