frp Blu Life Max L0110ee cuenta google con nck
Con la NCK Android MTK conectar el equipo apagado
Seleccionar By CPU MT6737M
Dar Clik En la pestaña FRP PATTER
Dar Clik En FRP Automatic
Exe version: NCKDongle AndroidMTK 2.6.3
Selected model: 0-By CPU MT6737M
[auto]Action: Reset FRP
Reinsert phone battery.
Battery must be charged.
Phone must be off with battery inside.
Please insert USB cable now...
Detected : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM33)
Boot mode: Preloader
BBCHIP: 335 0 ca00
Using Algo 2.
Phone detected...Please wait
Sending DA agent, please wait...
BaseBand CPU :MT6737M
BaseBand CPU Secure Version : FF
BaseBand CPU Bootloader Version : 01
INT RAM: 128...
Con la NCK Android MTK conectar el equipo apagado
Seleccionar By CPU MT6737M
Dar Clik En la pestaña FRP PATTER
Dar Clik En FRP Automatic
Exe version: NCKDongle AndroidMTK 2.6.3
Selected model: 0-By CPU MT6737M
[auto]Action: Reset FRP
Reinsert phone battery.
Battery must be charged.
Phone must be off with battery inside.
Please insert USB cable now...
Detected : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM33)
Boot mode: Preloader
BBCHIP: 335 0 ca00
Using Algo 2.
Phone detected...Please wait
Sending DA agent, please wait...
BaseBand CPU :MT6737M
BaseBand CPU Secure Version : FF
BaseBand CPU Bootloader Version : 01
INT RAM: 128...
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