abrimos unlocktool y seleccionamos el apartado de XIAOMI, escogemos el modelo Redmi A1 (ICE MT6761), y en la pestaña de BROM/EDL buscamos la opcion de [BROM] ERASE FRP, conectamos apagado presionando Volumen (-) y volumen (+) y en pocos segundos ya queda libre de el bloqueo, adjunto Log de la operacion:
Initializing usb... OK
Waiting for device... COM30 [BOOTROM:0E8D:0003]
Bypassing authentication... OK
Analyzing... preloader_ice.bin [MT6761:8:1392] [Internal]
Handshaking... OK
Reading hardware info... OK
Hardware : MT6761 [Helio A20|A22|A25|G25|P22] 0717 8A00 CA01 0200
Security Config : SCB SLA DAA
MEID : 1E0FC5E7B3807C65993AFF052F9325F7
Sending Download-Agent [1]... OK
Syncing with device... OK
Booting device... OK
Syncing with DA... OK
Storage : EMMC - CID ...
Initializing usb... OK
Waiting for device... COM30 [BOOTROM:0E8D:0003]
Bypassing authentication... OK
Analyzing... preloader_ice.bin [MT6761:8:1392] [Internal]
Handshaking... OK
Reading hardware info... OK
Hardware : MT6761 [Helio A20|A22|A25|G25|P22] 0717 8A00 CA01 0200
Security Config : SCB SLA DAA
MEID : 1E0FC5E7B3807C65993AFF052F9325F7
Sending Download-Agent [1]... OK
Syncing with device... OK
Booting device... OK
Syncing with DA... OK
Storage : EMMC - CID ...
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