yo lo hice con el modulo umt y esta version [UltimateMTK Ver. 2.3] nos vamos a la pestaña tool / frp y escogemos la opcion by plataform seleccionamos el cpu y por ultimo reset frp lo hacemos con el telefono apagado.. salu2
pd. adjunto una imagen con los pasos
Operation : Reset FRP
CPU : MT6737T
Storage : EMMC
DA : MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin [MTK_AllInOne_DA_v3.3001.2017-12-29.16:29]
Waiting for Phone in BROM Mode...
Connect Power Off phone within 30 secs...
Port : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM20)
Connected to BROM.
Sending Download Agent...
connect DA end stage: 2, enable DRAM in 1st DA: 0
Connected to Download Agent..
Syncing with Target...
Reading Partition Table...
Reading Device Information...
Brand : Vertex
Manufacturer : Vertex
Model : CS24
Prod. Name : CS24
Device : CS24...
pd. adjunto una imagen con los pasos
Operation : Reset FRP
CPU : MT6737T
Storage : EMMC
DA : MTK_AllInOne_DA.bin [MTK_AllInOne_DA_v3.3001.2017-12-29.16:29]
Waiting for Phone in BROM Mode...
Connect Power Off phone within 30 secs...
Port : MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM20)
Connected to BROM.
Sending Download Agent...
connect DA end stage: 2, enable DRAM in 1st DA: 0
Connected to Download Agent..
Syncing with Target...
Reading Partition Table...
Reading Device Information...
Brand : Vertex
Manufacturer : Vertex
Model : CS24
Prod. Name : CS24
Device : CS24...
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