Operation: Reset FRP
Checking for existing devices...Not Found
Turn Off phone, hold Vol UP + Vol DOWN and insert USB cable.
Some phones may need Special Boot Cable or TestPoint for EDL mode.
Found Port: Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 (COM21)
Driver Info: Qualcomm Incorporated, qu_usb_serial.sys,
Connecting to phone...OK
Waiting for response...OK
Init Handshake Sequence...OK
Hardware ID: E1F00B00 [8937] 00002000
OPK_DATA: E95B1A9E648A34AA19139A72611C64E3FB16DAF6E6CD9818926696791FC3D650
Initializing Protocol...OK
Using Auto Loader Selection [1]
Preparing Loader...Done
Sending Loader [8937_056]...Done
Executing Loader...OK
Detecting Storage Type...OK
Hardware: 8937, EMMC, 32 GB
LU Count: 3 [0x03A3E000] [0x00002000] [0x00002000]
WARNING! High Speed Driver is not installed.
Checking for existing devices...Not Found
Turn Off phone, hold Vol UP + Vol DOWN and insert USB cable.
Some phones may need Special Boot Cable or TestPoint for EDL mode.
Found Port: Qualcomm HS-USB QDLoader 9008 (COM21)
Driver Info: Qualcomm Incorporated, qu_usb_serial.sys,
Connecting to phone...OK
Waiting for response...OK
Init Handshake Sequence...OK
Hardware ID: E1F00B00 [8937] 00002000
OPK_DATA: E95B1A9E648A34AA19139A72611C64E3FB16DAF6E6CD9818926696791FC3D650
Initializing Protocol...OK
Using Auto Loader Selection [1]
Preparing Loader...Done
Sending Loader [8937_056]...Done
Executing Loader...OK
Detecting Storage Type...OK
Hardware: 8937, EMMC, 32 GB
LU Count: 3 [0x03A3E000] [0x00002000] [0x00002000]
WARNING! High Speed Driver is not installed.
Por favor inicie sesión para ver el contenido completo. Conéctate o regístrate ahora.