ningna herramienta saco estas nuevas seguridades pero todas terminaban DONE, sin realizar el frp, entonces decido usar el modulo frp de octoplus y lo saco al toque, en modo brom vol + y vol - y empiza a realizar el trabajo
Work ID: 00000000026DB5C1
Platform: INFINIX
Selected model: _MTK PRELOADER
Please, power phone OFF and connect USB cable.
Searching for a phone. Please wait...
Found phone on COM3
Port name: MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM3)
Detecting Chip Version...
HW Chip: MT6781: 1066.0000
HW Version: 8A00.CA00.0000.0000
Target Config: 0005
BootLoader Version: 03
Brom Version: FF
BootLoader Version: 03
Sending auth...
Searching Download Agent...
Selected DA: MTK_AllInOne_DA_v5.5005.2023/05/10.18:14_Inf245, n.5
Sending Download Agent...
DA sent...
Work ID: 00000000026DB5C1
Platform: INFINIX
Selected model: _MTK PRELOADER
Please, power phone OFF and connect USB cable.
Searching for a phone. Please wait...
Found phone on COM3
Port name: MediaTek PreLoader USB VCOM (Android) (COM3)
Detecting Chip Version...
HW Chip: MT6781: 1066.0000
HW Version: 8A00.CA00.0000.0000
Target Config: 0005
BootLoader Version: 03
Brom Version: FF
BootLoader Version: 03
Sending auth...
Searching Download Agent...
Selected DA: MTK_AllInOne_DA_v5.5005.2023/05/10.18:14_Inf245, n.5
Sending Download Agent...
DA sent...
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