con octopus elegimos el mismo modelo MS210
pero antes de eso pasamos el firware MS21010G, ya que con esa flash nos permitira quitar el frp con ocotpus..
Version 10V
Welcome to Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software version 2.8.4
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM44
Selected model: MS210
Please, put the phone into download mode manually (Power phone OFF
(reconnect battery), press and hold "Vol+" button and connect the cable
(or P999 cable)).
Reading info...
Model ID: LGMS210
IMEI: 000000-00-000000-0
Android version: 7.0
Battery level: 72%
SW Version: MS21010h
Mode: Emergency
Initializing flash...OK
SW version: LGMS210AT-02-V10v-310-160-DEC-21-2017-ARB00+0
pero antes de eso pasamos el firware MS21010G, ya que con esa flash nos permitira quitar el frp con ocotpus..
Version 10V
Welcome to Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software version 2.8.4
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM44
Selected model: MS210
Please, put the phone into download mode manually (Power phone OFF
(reconnect battery), press and hold "Vol+" button and connect the cable
(or P999 cable)).
Reading info...
Model ID: LGMS210
IMEI: 000000-00-000000-0
Android version: 7.0
Battery level: 72%
SW Version: MS21010h
Mode: Emergency
Initializing flash...OK
SW version: LGMS210AT-02-V10v-310-160-DEC-21-2017-ARB00+0
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