Reading info...
Model ID: LM-X210CM
IMEI: 354376-09-296500-9
Android version: 7.1.2
Battery level: 57%
Mode: Emergency
Initializing flash...OK
Platform: msm8937
SW version: LMX210CMAT-01-V10n-310-150-OCT-22-2018-ARB01+0
Android version: 7.1.2
LAF Version: 1.1
Product ID: CY20S180806001206
IMEI: 354376-09-296XXX-X
Target operator: CRK
Hardware: rev_10
Reset FRP operation for LMX210CM will delete all user data on the phone (contacts, pictures and others)!
Do You want to continue?
Reading partitions...OK
Detecting writing method...
Trying third method...OK
Resetting FRP Lock...OK
Formating encrypt...OK
Rebooting phone...
Resetting FRP lock successfully completed!
Model ID: LM-X210CM
IMEI: 354376-09-296500-9
Android version: 7.1.2
Battery level: 57%
Mode: Emergency
Initializing flash...OK
Platform: msm8937
SW version: LMX210CMAT-01-V10n-310-150-OCT-22-2018-ARB01+0
Android version: 7.1.2
LAF Version: 1.1
Product ID: CY20S180806001206
IMEI: 354376-09-296XXX-X
Target operator: CRK
Hardware: rev_10
Reset FRP operation for LMX210CM will delete all user data on the phone (contacts, pictures and others)!
Do You want to continue?
Reading partitions...OK
Detecting writing method...
Trying third method...OK
Resetting FRP Lock...OK
Formating encrypt...OK
Rebooting phone...
Resetting FRP lock successfully completed!
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