cuenta google realme C21Y frp octoplus frp
Work ID: 00000000018FF35B
Platform: REALME
Selected model: C21Y (RMX3263)
Please, power phone OFF, press and hold "Vol+" and "Vol-" buttons and connect USB cable.
Searching for a phone. Please wait...
Found phone on COM77
Mobile Status: SPRD3
Sending payload...
Sending preloader...
Mobile Status: Spreadtrum Boot Block version 1.1
Sending mainloader...
Reading partition...
Reading SUPER partition...
Reading info...
Brand: realme
Manufacturer: realme
Model: RMX3261
Device: RMX3261
Code name: RMX3261
Platform: ums512
Android version: 11
Phone firmware version: 1706178676000
Display ID: RP1A.201005.001
Searching for signatures...
Resetting FRP lock..
Backup saved as...
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