Con Octoplus FRP Tool sale bien rápido:
Searching for device. Please wait...
Waiting for device...
Found device on COM5
Reading info...
Detected device model: SM-G960U
HW Version: TMB
PDA version: G960USQU9FVB2
CSC version: G960UOYN9FVB2
CP version: G960USQU9FVB2
Device SN: RxxKx0xxZ6x
Device IMEI: 35xxxx-xx-xxxxxx-x
Android version: 10
Enabling "USB Debugging" mode...
Please, go to dial window and enter "*#0*#".
Please, press "OK" button on the phone to allow USB debugging..
Searching for a phone (waiting for ADB / Fastboot device)...
Phone found.
Resetting FRP lock..
Perform factory reset to complete operation!
Performed by Software version.
Searching for device. Please wait...
Waiting for device...
Found device on COM5
Reading info...
Detected device model: SM-G960U
HW Version: TMB
PDA version: G960USQU9FVB2
CSC version: G960UOYN9FVB2
CP version: G960USQU9FVB2
Device SN: RxxKx0xxZ6x
Device IMEI: 35xxxx-xx-xxxxxx-x
Android version: 10
Enabling "USB Debugging" mode...
Please, go to dial window and enter "*#0*#".
Please, press "OK" button on the phone to allow USB debugging..
Searching for a phone (waiting for ADB / Fastboot device)...
Phone found.
Resetting FRP lock..
Perform factory reset to complete operation!
Performed by Software version.