Samsung A217m hacer f4 Imei bit 8 u8 bin8 Binary 8 binario 8 rev8 chimera tool
Duver T
pues con un aporte de parte de chimera les confirmo que si lo hice, lo primero es el root que ustedes mismos crean de la flash AP extraen con 7zip el boot.img lo convierten a la extension (.tar) luego lo pasan al telefono lo parchan con magisk despues lo pasan al pc y con odin o z3x o chimera el apartado ap lo flashan y wipe factory reset y listo esperan que prenda y root perfecto reparan y parchan luego el fix logo y a cobrar
fimrware Ultizado
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Repair started
Gathering phone info...
Collecting information. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Model: SM-A217M
Carrier ID: COM
Sales Code: COM
Country Code: COLOMBIA
Timezone: America/Bogota
Android Version: 11 [RP1A.200720.012] [SDK 30]
Build Date: Fri Oct 29 04:09:16 KST 2021
PDA Version: A217MUBS8CUJ2 [october 2021, rev2]
Phone Version: A217MUBS8CUJ2 [october 2021, rev2]
CSC Version: A217MOWA8CUJ2 [october 2021, rev2]
Product Code: COM
Board Platform: UNIVERSAL3830
Modem Platform: SHANNON318
Serial Number: R58R41Z293J
Imei: 350211811359172
Connections: AT,MTP
Network Type: GSM
Multisim Config: SS
Knox Version: v30
Warranty Bit: 1
Security Patch: 2021-11-01
Em Did: 200154B71E534911
Repair imei...
The operation is in progress. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Current imei: 350211811359172
Repaired imei: 350211812259173
Successfully finished.
Finished at local time: [12.04.21 01:58:54]
WorkID: 160647488
Gathering phone info...
Collecting information. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Model: SM-A217M
Carrier ID: COM
Sales Code: COM
Country Code: COLOMBIA
Timezone: America/Bogota
Android Version: 11 [RP1A.200720.012] [SDK 30]
Build Date: Fri Oct 29 04:09:16 KST 2021
PDA Version: A217MUBS8CUJ2 [october 2021, rev2]
Phone Version: A217MUBS8CUJ2 [october 2021, rev2]
CSC Version: A217MOWA8CUJ2 [october 2021, rev2]
Product Code: COM
Board Platform: UNIVERSAL3830
Modem Platform: SHANNON318
Serial Number: R58R41Z293J
Imei: 350211812259173
Connections: AT,MTP
Network Type: GSM
Multisim Config: SS
Knox Version: v30
Warranty Bit: 1
Security Patch: 2021-11-01
Em Did: 200154B71E534911
Checking root access.
The phone is rooted by: 5d6d2417:MAGISKSU
Reading data...
The operation is in progress. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Patching certificate...
Checking root access.
About 30-180 seconds after the phone starts, the signal strength indicator turns OFF and then turns ON again after a few seconds.
You can check the status of the imei using: *#0011#
The patchcert can be removed by repeating the process.
After installing new firmware, the patchcert process must be repeated.
Successfully finished.
Finished at local time: [12.04.21 02:00:38]
WorkID: 160647721
otra forma esto no es mio
1.Desbloquear bootloader
2.Descomprimir el archivo que les dejo en el enlace y flash con Odin todo.
3.Conectar a Wifi-activar desarrollador, instalar el magisk apk del
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4.Reparar con chimera
5.Parchar certificado con chimera
6.Fix logo y a cobrar.
¡No tienes permiso para ver contenido!
En lo personal no me dio lio, chimera lo hizo al primer intento, la reparacion y el parche los realice con simcard insertada.