01- Abrir el software: Octoplus LG Tool v3.1.7
02- Elegir el modelo en cuestión: E435
03- Encender el dispositivo
04- Ir a la pestaña Android Tools
05- Accionar el botón Reset Screen Lock
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM21
Selected model: E435
Reading info...OK
Mode: Normal
Model ID: LGE435
Firmware compiled date: Feb 22 2013
Firmware compiled time: 00:00:00
Firmware released date: Jan 25 2014
Firmware released time: 15:55:21
SW Version: LGE435AT-00-V10h-AME-XX-JAN-24-2014+0
IMEI: xxxxxx-xx-xxxxxx-x
IMEI B: xxxxxx-xx-xxxxxx-x
Bluetooth address: 48:59:29:85:5C:05
Wi-Fi MAC address: 48:59:29C:A6:3F
Switching to Download mode...OK
Resetting Screen Lock...
This process can take about 15 minutes. Please, wait...
Resetting screen lock successfully...
02- Elegir el modelo en cuestión: E435
03- Encender el dispositivo
04- Ir a la pestaña Android Tools
05- Accionar el botón Reset Screen Lock
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM21
Selected model: E435
Reading info...OK
Mode: Normal
Model ID: LGE435
Firmware compiled date: Feb 22 2013
Firmware compiled time: 00:00:00
Firmware released date: Jan 25 2014
Firmware released time: 15:55:21
SW Version: LGE435AT-00-V10h-AME-XX-JAN-24-2014+0
IMEI: xxxxxx-xx-xxxxxx-x
IMEI B: xxxxxx-xx-xxxxxx-x
Bluetooth address: 48:59:29:85:5C:05
Wi-Fi MAC address: 48:59:29C:A6:3F
Switching to Download mode...OK
Resetting Screen Lock...
This process can take about 15 minutes. Please, wait...
Resetting screen lock successfully...
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