1. lg octoplus, modelo b200
2. escribir imei y darle clic
3. quitar bateria y conectar cable usb y listo
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG MTK
Selected port: COM210
Selected baudrate: 921600
Selected model: B200
Selected USB connection type
Please, disconnect battery and connect cable...OK
Phone found.
Setting power state...OK
Sending loader...OK
Synchronizing with loader...OK
Detecting NOR flash chip...OK
Reading info...OK
Checking security...
Checking security passed!
IMEI: 534656-45-745745-9
NOR flash chip: Unknown
NOR size: 4 Mb
Fixing IMEI A...
New IMEI A: 355519-06-423xxxx
Reading security area...OK
2. escribir imei y darle clic
3. quitar bateria y conectar cable usb y listo
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG MTK
Selected port: COM210
Selected baudrate: 921600
Selected model: B200
Selected USB connection type
Please, disconnect battery and connect cable...OK
Phone found.
Setting power state...OK
Sending loader...OK
Synchronizing with loader...OK
Detecting NOR flash chip...OK
Reading info...OK
Checking security...
Checking security passed!
IMEI: 534656-45-745745-9
NOR flash chip: Unknown
NOR size: 4 Mb
Fixing IMEI A...
New IMEI A: 355519-06-423xxxx
Reading security area...OK
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