parche de seguridad enero 2021.
Bienvenido en Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software version
Card S/N : 00000xxxxx
Selected USB connection type
Work ID: 0000000000DE39E5
Checking data...OK
Plataforma: LG MTK
Puerto seleccionado: COM1
Velocidad seleccionada: 921600
Modelo seleccionado: Q730TM
Connecting to phone...
Phone found at port COM53
Mode: Emergency
Initializing flash...OK
Model ID: LM-Q730TM
Plataforma: mt6765
Code name: mdh50lm
Android version: 10
Versión de SW: LMQ730TM3AT-00-V10q-310-120-DEC-21-
LAF Version: 1.1
Product ID: LS01S200714001052
IMEI: 354527-11-xxxxxx
Target operator: LAO
Hardware: rev_11
Battery level: 29%
Reading partitions...OK
LAF Error: 80000119...
Bienvenido en Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software version
Card S/N : 00000xxxxx
Selected USB connection type
Work ID: 0000000000DE39E5
Checking data...OK
Plataforma: LG MTK
Puerto seleccionado: COM1
Velocidad seleccionada: 921600
Modelo seleccionado: Q730TM
Connecting to phone...
Phone found at port COM53
Mode: Emergency
Initializing flash...OK
Model ID: LM-Q730TM
Plataforma: mt6765
Code name: mdh50lm
Android version: 10
Versión de SW: LMQ730TM3AT-00-V10q-310-120-DEC-21-
LAF Version: 1.1
Product ID: LS01S200714001052
IMEI: 354527-11-xxxxxx
Target operator: LAO
Hardware: rev_11
Battery level: 29%
Reading partitions...OK
LAF Error: 80000119...
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