con octopus pedia root y en z3x daba error 02 y no encontre nada para esta version
solucion: flashear combination y dar unlock con z3x y luego faslh stock rom y listo queda full liberado
Micro-USB cable:
1. Phone must be powered on.
2. Type *#0808# and select 'DM+MODEM+ADB'.
3. Type *#9090# and choose 'DM/DUN over HSIC' (ignore it, if it's not available).
4. Reboot phone.
Or use 'Activate Diag' function from 'Repair' tab.
5. Connect USB cable, install drivers if needed.
6. Select Samsung diagnostic port in port settings.
7. Press 'Unlock' button for direct unlock.
Operation: Unlock
Selected model: SM-N910A
Selected port: COM160 SAMSUNG Mobile USB Serial Port
Software version: 34.11
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IMEI: 3562...
solucion: flashear combination y dar unlock con z3x y luego faslh stock rom y listo queda full liberado
Micro-USB cable:
1. Phone must be powered on.
2. Type *#0808# and select 'DM+MODEM+ADB'.
3. Type *#9090# and choose 'DM/DUN over HSIC' (ignore it, if it's not available).
4. Reboot phone.
Or use 'Activate Diag' function from 'Repair' tab.
5. Connect USB cable, install drivers if needed.
6. Select Samsung diagnostic port in port settings.
7. Press 'Unlock' button for direct unlock.
Operation: Unlock
Selected model: SM-N910A
Selected port: COM160 SAMSUNG Mobile USB Serial Port
Software version: 34.11
Leyendo información del teléfono ...
Reading IMEI... Listo
IMEI: 3562...
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