Antes el root , chequea que la tool que uses soporte el dispositivo
Desbloquea Bootloader en web oficial y el oem activo, Flashea con la ultima seguridad que tenga o la misma que lleva para que uses el boot.img una vez flasheado . lo copias al dispositivo, instalas Magisk 22.0, conectado a una wifi abres magisk y parchea el boot , en youtube se ve como se hace un parcheo con magisk, una ves parcheado , lo copias a la pc, pones el moto en fastboot y flashealo por metodo comando fastboot flash boot boot.img. y ya teniendo todo hecho y encendio el moto veras que ya esta rooteado por el boot del firmware que le pasaste y acorde a su seguridad con magisk.
Before doing the process, check that the tool you do unlocking supports it
Unlock Bootloader on the official website and the oem is active, Flash it with the latest security it has or the same security that it has so that you can use the boot.img once it has been flashed. You copy it to the device, you install Magisk 22.0, connected to a wifi, you open magisk and patch the boot, on YouTube you see how a patch is done with magisk, once patched, you copy it to the pc, put the bike in fastboot and flash it through method command fastboot flash boot boot.img. And having everything done and turned on the motorcycle, you will see that it is already rooted by the firmware boot that you passed to it and according to its security with magisk.