Work ID: 00000000018FC4EB
Starting Read Codes (Feb.2023)
Selected model: SM-G973F
Turn on USB debugging on the phone.
Connect powered-on phone to PC using USB via ADB.
Please, don't run any other third party Softwares or start any other operations which can use your CPU/RAM resources during the operation!
Devices with Unlock App (branded to T-Mobile, MetroPCS, etc.) are not supported! Make sure device requests to enter unlock code and only then perform "Read Codes" operation! Do you want to continue?
Searching ADB devices...
Press "OK" button on the device to allow USB debugging
Reading info...
Detected model: SM-G973F
Fingerprint: samsung/beyond1lteeea/beyond1:12/SP1A.210812.016/G973FXXSGHWC1:user/release-keys
Firmware compiled date: Thu Mar 2 09:46:41 KST 2023
PDA version...
Starting Read Codes (Feb.2023)
Selected model: SM-G973F
Turn on USB debugging on the phone.
Connect powered-on phone to PC using USB via ADB.
Please, don't run any other third party Softwares or start any other operations which can use your CPU/RAM resources during the operation!
Devices with Unlock App (branded to T-Mobile, MetroPCS, etc.) are not supported! Make sure device requests to enter unlock code and only then perform "Read Codes" operation! Do you want to continue?
Searching ADB devices...
Press "OK" button on the device to allow USB debugging
Reading info...
Detected model: SM-G973F
Fingerprint: samsung/beyond1lteeea/beyond1:12/SP1A.210812.016/G973FXXSGHWC1:user/release-keys
Firmware compiled date: Thu Mar 2 09:46:41 KST 2023
PDA version...
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