1.- Abrir Octopus.
2.- Elegir el modelo.
3.- Dar Unlock.
4.- Conectar el equipo sin batería y esperar.
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG MTK
Selected port: COM5
Selected baudrate: 921600
Selected model: D693N
Selected USB connection type
Please, disconnect battery and connect cable...OK
Phone found.
CPU name: MT6582
CPU revision: 8A00.CA01.0001.0000
Prepairing loader...OK
Sending loader...OK
Synchronizing with loader...
Detecting flash chip...OK
Detecting EMMC flash chip...OK
Reading info...OK
Checking security...
Checking security passed!
IMEI A: ***************
IMEI B: ***************
Bluetooth address: A0:91:69:548:BB
Wi-Fi MAC address: 64:BC:0C:01:04:9A
EMMC rpmb size: 0 Mb
EMMC boot1 size: 4...
2.- Elegir el modelo.
3.- Dar Unlock.
4.- Conectar el equipo sin batería y esperar.
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG MTK
Selected port: COM5
Selected baudrate: 921600
Selected model: D693N
Selected USB connection type
Please, disconnect battery and connect cable...OK
Phone found.
CPU name: MT6582
CPU revision: 8A00.CA01.0001.0000
Prepairing loader...OK
Sending loader...OK
Synchronizing with loader...
Detecting flash chip...OK
Detecting EMMC flash chip...OK
Reading info...OK
Checking security...
Checking security passed!
IMEI A: ***************
IMEI B: ***************
Bluetooth address: A0:91:69:548:BB
Wi-Fi MAC address: 64:BC:0C:01:04:9A
EMMC rpmb size: 0 Mb
EMMC boot1 size: 4...
Por favor inicie sesión para ver el contenido completo. Conéctate o regístrate ahora.