Primero debes conectar el movilen modo download y proceder a realizar la liberacion normalmente y sale perfectamente
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM824
Selected model: LS775
Reading info...
IMEI: 355141-08-081431-5
Android version: 7.0
Battery level: 21%
SW Version: LS775ZVB
Mode: Emergency
Initializing flash...OK
SW version: LS775ZVB_03
Android version: 7.0
LAF Version: 1.1
Product ID: CY17S161109000096
IMEI: 355141-08-081431-5
Target operator: SPR
Hardware: rev_10
Reading partitions...OK
Reading Carrier...OK
Writing Carrier...
LAF Error: 80000121.
Trying second method...OK
Phone successfully unlocked!
Performed by 2.7.7 Software version.
You must be registered for see element.
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG Qualcomm
Selected port: COM824
Selected model: LS775
Reading info...
IMEI: 355141-08-081431-5
Android version: 7.0
Battery level: 21%
SW Version: LS775ZVB
Mode: Emergency
Initializing flash...OK
SW version: LS775ZVB_03
Android version: 7.0
LAF Version: 1.1
Product ID: CY17S161109000096
IMEI: 355141-08-081431-5
Target operator: SPR
Hardware: rev_10
Reading partitions...OK
Reading Carrier...OK
Writing Carrier...
LAF Error: 80000121.
Trying second method...OK
Phone successfully unlocked!
Performed by 2.7.7 Software version.
You must be registered for see element.
Por favor inicie sesión para ver el contenido completo. Conéctate o regístrate ahora.
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