Lg Stylo 6 Q730tm Boostmobile unlock octoplus
Unlock directa consume 100 creditos testeado ..
Debes estar registrado para ver los enlaces
hola amigo tento problema para liberar el mio ,da erro
Work ID: 1
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG MTK
Selected port: COM3
Selected baudrate: 921600
Selected model: Q730TM
Please, disconnect cable, power phone OFF, connect P999 cable (with 910k resistor)
Power OFF phone, press and hold "Vol+" for 10 seconds and connect USB cable.
Phone found at port COM6
Mode: Emergency
Initializing flash...OK
Model ID: LM-Q730TM
Platform: mt6765
Android version: 10
SW version: LMQ730TM3AT-00-V10i-310-120-JUL-02-2020-ARB00+0
LAF Version: 1.1
Product ID: LS01S2006190
IMEI: 354527-1
Target operator: LAO
Hardware: rev_11
Battery level: 100%
Reading partitions...OK
LAF Error: 80000119.
Checking security...OK
IMEI: 354527-11-3
Bluetooth address: Unknown
Wi-Fi MAC address: Unknown
Write security backup function doesn't work for this device with latest firmware versions. If you'll encounter any problem during Unlock operation - you won't be able to restore the phone to it's initial state, so proceed at your own risk.
Creating EEPROM backup...OK
Initializing flash...OK
Reading security area...
Backup saved to "Q730TM_3545271138_19-10-2020_08-42-06.EEP"
Connecting to server...OK
Octopus smart card is present.
Checking smart card...OK
Username: oct_llmBGYS
Checking balance...OK
Checking operation...Failed!
Please update Software Version!
Performed by 3.0.5 Software version.