Welcome to Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software version 2.9.5
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG MTK
Selected port: COM88
Selected baudrate: 921600
Selected model: X220G
Selected USB connection type
Please, power phone OFF and connect cable.OK
Phone found.
CPU name: MT6580
CPU revision: 8A00.CA00.0000.0000
Prepairing loader...OK
Sending loader...OK
Synchronizing with loader...
Detecting flash chip...
Failed to detect flash chip!OK
Detecting EMMC flash chip...OK
Reading info...OK
Reconnecting phone...OK
Found model at port COM25
Reading partitions...OK
Checking security...
Checking security passed!
Bluetooth address: 60:E3:AC:6D:15:A4
Wi-Fi MAC address: 60:E3:AC:CA:50:2F
EMMC rpmb size: 0 Mb
EMMC boot1 size: 4 Mb
EMMC boot2 size: 4 Mb
EMMC gp1 size: 0 Mb
EMMC gp2 size: 0 Mb
EMMC gp3 size: 0 Mb
EMMC gp4 size: 0 Mb
EMMC user area size: 7456 Mb
Step 1/2...
Reading partitions...OK
Reading security area...Failed!
Performed by 2.9.5 Software version.
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