El samsung tiene seguridad de 1 junio de 2022 NO FUE NECESARIO EL ROOT, en KG esta en CHECKING.
Starting Unlock (Oct.2022)
Selected model: SM-A215U
Please connect device via Adb or Brom mode.
If for some reason Soft Bricking doesn`t work, you will have to connect your device via Brom mode by Test Point.
Searching for devices...
Searching ADB devices...
Press "OK" button on the device to allow USB debugging
Reading info...
Detected model: SM-A215U
Fingerprint: samsung/a21sq/a21:12/SP1A.210812.016/A215USQU7CVI3:user/release-keys
Firmware compiled date: Wed Sep 7 14:56:13 KST 2022
PDA version: A215USQU7CVI3
CSC version: A215UOYN7CVI3
SW version: A215USQU7CVI3
Build number: A21LTE_USA_SINGL
Android version: 12 (SP1A.210812.016)
Sales code: BST
Carrier Id...
Starting Unlock (Oct.2022)
Selected model: SM-A215U
Please connect device via Adb or Brom mode.
If for some reason Soft Bricking doesn`t work, you will have to connect your device via Brom mode by Test Point.
Searching for devices...
Searching ADB devices...
Press "OK" button on the device to allow USB debugging
Reading info...
Detected model: SM-A215U
Fingerprint: samsung/a21sq/a21:12/SP1A.210812.016/A215USQU7CVI3:user/release-keys
Firmware compiled date: Wed Sep 7 14:56:13 KST 2022
PDA version: A215USQU7CVI3
CSC version: A215UOYN7CVI3
SW version: A215USQU7CVI3
Build number: A21LTE_USA_SINGL
Android version: 12 (SP1A.210812.016)
Sales code: BST
Carrier Id...
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