sm-a205u unlock bit 7
Phones locked by 'T-Mobile'(TMB, TMK), 'Verizon'(VZW)
are not supported for unlocking!
Unlocking using sever:
1. Power on the phone.
2. Tap 7 times on 'Build number' in 'Settings'-'About phone'-'Software information'
to enable 'Developer options',
go to 'Settings'-'Developer options' and enable 'USB debugging'.
3. Connect the phone to PC with USB cable, install drivers if needed.
4. Select device in ADB settings.
5. Press 'Unlock via server DIAG Oct 2019' button or press 'Unlock SPR via Server NEW' button,
write your login and password in window if it will appear.
(Login and password will be saved as default after first input and can be changed in settings.)
Operation: Unlock SPR via Server NEW...
Phones locked by 'T-Mobile'(TMB, TMK), 'Verizon'(VZW)
are not supported for unlocking!
Unlocking using sever:
1. Power on the phone.
2. Tap 7 times on 'Build number' in 'Settings'-'About phone'-'Software information'
to enable 'Developer options',
go to 'Settings'-'Developer options' and enable 'USB debugging'.
3. Connect the phone to PC with USB cable, install drivers if needed.
4. Select device in ADB settings.
5. Press 'Unlock via server DIAG Oct 2019' button or press 'Unlock SPR via Server NEW' button,
write your login and password in window if it will appear.
(Login and password will be saved as default after first input and can be changed in settings.)
Operation: Unlock SPR via Server NEW...
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