1.- Abrir NCK Spreadtrum Module
2.- En pestaña Diag Mode Utils seleccionar Enter Diag
(conectar teléfono apagado)
3.- Esperar 10 segundos y darle en read simlock Info
4.- Modificar numero deseados y dar Write IMEI-SN-WIFI
5.- solo encender
Action: REPAIR.
Detecting phone, wait...
Detecting phone, wait...
Phone must be off.
Connect usb cable without pressing any key.
Using connection mode 1
Detected: SCI USB2Serial (COM4)
Readed IMEI 1: 861123123132312
Readed IMEI 2: 861231222123121
IMEI 1 to write: 862221232321321
Write IMEI Done.
2.- En pestaña Diag Mode Utils seleccionar Enter Diag
(conectar teléfono apagado)
3.- Esperar 10 segundos y darle en read simlock Info
4.- Modificar numero deseados y dar Write IMEI-SN-WIFI
5.- solo encender
Action: REPAIR.
Detecting phone, wait...
Detecting phone, wait...
Phone must be off.
Connect usb cable without pressing any key.
Using connection mode 1
Detected: SCI USB2Serial (COM4)
Readed IMEI 1: 861123123132312
Readed IMEI 2: 861231222123121
IMEI 1 to write: 862221232321321
Write IMEI Done.