frp TCL 20E (6125F) cuenta google unlock tool
Sale sencillo con la unlocktool solo seleccionan mtk
seleccionan erase frp
conectan el telefono apagado
mientras precionan volumen + y -
dejo el log:
LibUSB driver is not installed!
Initializing usb... OK
Waiting for device... COM8 [BOOTROM:0E8D:0003]
Bypassing authentication... OK
Analyzing... preloader_hongkong.bin [MT6765:7:1232] [Internal]
Handshaking... OK
Reading hardware info... OK
Hardware : MT6765 [Helio G25|G35|P35] 0766 8A00 CA00 0000
Security Config : SCB SLA DAA
Sending Download-Agent... OK
Syncing with target... OK
Booting device... OK
Syncing with DA... OK
Storage : EMMC - CID : 422201F4.6E697769.1020.1118EF01
Vendor : Samsung - Name : Biwin - Serial : 4009820160 - Rev...
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