cuenta google LG K10 Novo (M250DS) frp octoplus frp
Welcome to Octoplus FRP Tool v.
Work ID: 0000000001AD9DB7
Platform: LG
Selected model: M250DS
Put the phone into Download Mode:
1. Power phone OFF;
2. Press and hold "Vol+" button and connect USB cable.
Searching for a phone. Please wait...
Found phone on COM3
Reading info...
Detected phone model: LG-M250ds
Mode: Emergency
SW version: LGM250dsAT-00-V10k-BRA-XXX-SEP-19-2019+0
Android version: 7.0
Platform: mt6750
Code name:
Reset FRP operation for M250DS will delete all user data on the phone (contacts, pictures and others)!
Do You want to continue?
Reading partition...
Detecting writing method...
Trying to repeat..
Trying third method...
Trying third method...
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