quitar el patron/contraseña/pin vamos a abrir NCK AndroidMTK Mobile,seleccionamos el CPU MT6582,presionamos volumen menos y dejamos presionado hasta que termine,si no inicia solamente quitar la bateria,colocarla de nuevo y encender el equipo y zas queda nuestro LG X165G,aqui el LOG:
Exe version: NCKBox AndroidMTK 2.0
Selected model: 0-By CPU MT6582
Action: Reset Pattern
Reinsert phone battery.
Battery must be charged.
Phone must be off with battery inside.
Please insert USB cable now...
Detected : MediaTek USB Port (COM11)
Boot mode: Brom
BBCHIP: 6582 1 ca01
Using Algo 1.
Phone detected...Please wait
Sending DA agent, please wait...
[emmi]EMMC CID: 510001154d53323762
BaseBand CPU :MT6582
BaseBand CPU Secure Version : 05...
Exe version: NCKBox AndroidMTK 2.0
Selected model: 0-By CPU MT6582
Action: Reset Pattern
Reinsert phone battery.
Battery must be charged.
Phone must be off with battery inside.
Please insert USB cable now...
Detected : MediaTek USB Port (COM11)
Boot mode: Brom
BBCHIP: 6582 1 ca01
Using Algo 1.
Phone detected...Please wait
Sending DA agent, please wait...
[emmi]EMMC CID: 510001154d53323762
BaseBand CPU :MT6582
BaseBand CPU Secure Version : 05...
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