si no pueden activar el oem me dicen
Mi caso no es que no puedo activarlo, solo al prender el wifi, ya activo pero al hacer el Unlock RMM o del KG me da falla adjunto Log...
RMM Unlock started
Gathering phone info...
Collecting information. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Model: SM-A105M
Sales Code: SAM
Country Code: MEXICO
Timezone: America/Lima
Android Version: 9 [PPR1.180610.011] [SDK 28]
Build Date: Wed Jun 12 23:48:33 KST 2019
PDA Version: A105MUBS2ASF1 [june 2019, rev1]
Phone Version: A105MUBS2ASF1 [june 2019, rev1]
CSC Version: A105MOWA2ASF1 [june 2019, rev1]
Product Code: TCE
Board Platform: EXYNOS5
Modem Platform: SHANNON327
Serial Number: R58M736H8CD
Imei: 355860107546655
Unique Number: CBJ00BF2F94B266
Connections: AT,MTP
Battery Status: 3.83V (27%)
Network Type: GSM
Multisim Config: SS
Knox Version: v30
Warranty Bit: 0
Security Patch: 2019-06-01
Data Encryption State: encrypted
Unlocking RMM...
The operation is in progress. Be patient! Do NOT disconnect the phone!
Current state: unknown
Unlock failed.
Finished at local time: [09.24.19 17:14:07]
WorkID: 74154032