Lg K500mm K51 Metro pcs Unlock via credicto octopus lg
directa consume 100 creditos
You must be registered for see element.
Welcome to Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software version 3.0.8
Card S/N : 0000058187
Connecting to server ...OK
Username: sucr13
Checking balance...OK
Your balance: 191 credits.
Selected USB connection type
Work ID: 0000000000724A79
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG MTK
Selected port: COM1
Selected baudrate: 921600
Selected model: K500MM
Please, disconnect cable, power phone OFF, connect P999 cable (with 910k resistor)
Power OFF phone, press and hold "Vol+" for 10 seconds and connect USB...
directa consume 100 creditos
You must be registered for see element.
Welcome to Octoplus/Octopus Box LG Software version 3.0.8
Card S/N : 0000058187
Connecting to server ...OK
Username: sucr13
Checking balance...OK
Your balance: 191 credits.
Selected USB connection type
Work ID: 0000000000724A79
Checking data...OK
Platform: LG MTK
Selected port: COM1
Selected baudrate: 921600
Selected model: K500MM
Please, disconnect cable, power phone OFF, connect P999 cable (with 910k resistor)
Power OFF phone, press and hold "Vol+" for 10 seconds and connect USB...
Por favor inicie sesión para ver el contenido completo. Conéctate o regístrate ahora.
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